Vote of
Dinesh pariyar
National coordinator, Nepal
behalf of the
third temperate Asia
Pasture and Fodder
Organizing committee, I am
deeply honored to
provide vote of
thanks to distinguished
guests and participants
of this workshop.
May I be allowed
to express the
vote of thanks
to the Chief- guest, Executive Director
for Livestock and
Fisheries, Nepal
Agricultural Research Council
for his inaugural
address. Your guidance,
inspiration and support
to the professionals
in the field of
forage development and
improvement has been always
helpful. I can assure
you that the
workshop held at
Pokhara would come
out with specific
recommendations to improve
the natural resources
of the South
Asian continent.
I want to
thank Dr. Upendra
Mishra , Director
for Livestock and
Fisheries for his
valuable comments and support for
allowing me enough time
for organizing this
workshop. Because of his
persistent help and
guidance the members
of the organizing
committee were able
to organize the
workshop here at
beautiful Pokhara valley. I
can assure you
that the deliberations
in the workshop
will focus more
on the pressing
problems of the
herders and of
the environment present
at higher elevation
and possible remedies
through participatory approach.
I would like
to thank Dr. Steve
Reynolds from FAO/ AGPC
for his endeavor to make the workshop properly arranged and
start as per the schedule.
I want to thank
Mr. John Morrison whom
I know since 1982
and from last 16 years
I have been
getting his continued support. It
is, in fact, his
vision and constant
effort that this kind of working
group has came
to its functioning and existence.
I would like to express my
sincere thank to
Mr. P. M. Shrestha, Officer from
FAO, Nepal for his
valuable comments and thought
provoking ideas and suggestions to make this
workshop a success. I
have been receiving
his help and
support to materialise
this workshop.
It is a
great honor to
have Dr. R.
Clement with us
in this valuable gathering
and I thank
him for his
great interest and
enthusiasm to contribute for
upgrading the rangeland
condition in South
Asian Regions.
Last but not
the least I
would like to
express my thanks
to Dr. Panjab
Singh, the Vice-chancellor, JLNKVV, Jabalpur, Madhya
Pradesh and the
Regional Coordinator for
TAPAFON for his
unforgettable contribution in range
and livestock development.
At the end
I want to
thank all the
distinguish participants
from India, Pakistan,
Bhutan, Nepal and
the supporting staff
of Pasture and Fodder
Research Division, Khumaltar.
Thanking You