Design of RC and Brick Masonry Structures CE1401 Question Bank and Class Notes
1. Name different types of retaining walls. Explain any one.
2. What is structural action of stem, heel and toe?
3. How the development of tension in a base is checked?
4. Why counterforts are provided in a counterfort retaining wall?
5. What factors govern the spacing of counterforts?
6. Brief how the vertical slab for the counterfort retaining wall is designed.
7. What is abuttressed retaining wall?
8. State the general design requirements for a retaining wall.
9. Define the stability of retaining wall structure. How is stability of retaining wall checked.
10. What is the function of key?
11. What are the joints provided in a concrete water tanks?
12. What is the function of bracing in the staging of water tank?
13. For what conditions are the underground tanks designed and checked?
14. How the overhead tanks are supported?
15. What are the stresses acting on a spherical dome?
This subject mostly asked in problems. These topics are
1. Design of Cantilever retaining wall.
2. Design of Counterfort retaining wall.
3. Design of water tanks.
4. Design of overhead tank
5. Design of staircase.
6. Design of flat slab.
7. Design of Concrete wall
8. Design of Box culvert
9. Design of Brick masonry wall.
10. Design of mat foundation.
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